Florence Brosof

BROSOFFLORENCE (nee Shuman), Oct. 4, 2006. Wife of the late Leon, mother of Alan Brosof, Dr. Jeffrey (Dr. Amy) Brosof and Michael (Kathy) Brosof; sister of Shirley Reses; grandmother of Jamie and Leigh. Relatives and friends are invited to Funeral Services, Friday 10 A.M. precisely, GOLDSTEINS' ROSENBERG'S RAPHAEL SACKS SUBURBAN NORTH, 310 Second St. Pike, Southampton. Interment Roosevelt Memorial Park....

Harry Carroll

CARROLLHARRY, June 12, 2003, husband of Adele (nee Kaufman); father of Roz (Don) Weiss, Ned (Debby) Carroll, Fred (Kelly) Carroll and Janice Carroll; grandfather of Amy, Adam, Alexis, Tamra, Shira, Brandon and Bradley. Relatives and friends are invited to Funeral Services Sunday, 11:15 A.M. precisely, GOLDSTEINS' ROSENBERG'S RAPHAEL SACKS SUBURBAN NORTH, 310 Second St. Pike, Southampton. Int. Shalom Memorial Park....

Isadore Director

DIRECTOR ISADORE, Dec. 12, 2002; beloved husband of Sylvia (nee Schulman), beloved father of Deborah (Samuel) Liebman, David M. (Betty Ann) Director, Alan L. (Joanne) Director and Betsy K. Director; loving grandfather of Ellen M. Liebman, Mark A. Director, Rachel A. Director and Sara M. Director. Relatives and friends are invited to Funeral Services, Sunday 11:30 A.M. precisely, GOLDSTEINS' ROSENBERG'S...

Sara Elias

ELIASSARA (nee Sokoloff), Oct. 6, 2006. Wife of the late Sidney; mother of Stanley (Eileen) Elias and Dr. Herbert (Susan) Elias; grandmother of Joshua Elias, Lisa (Ross) Akselrad, Matthew Elias and Daniel Elias; great grand-mother of Ethan Akselrad. Relatives and friends are invited to Funeral Services Monday, 2:30 P.M. precisely, GOLDSTEINS' ROSENBERG'S RAPHAEL SACKS SUBURBAN NORTH, 310 Second St. Pike,...

Ori Even-Tov

EVEN-TOV ORI, March 6, 2003, husband of Diane (nee Nunn), and the late Sheila Evan-Tov, father of Tami Schwarz (Ofer) and Daniel Evan-Tov, grandfather of Tal, Zohar and Roni. Funeral Services were held Sunday at GOLDSTEINS' ROSENBERG'S RAPHAEL SACKS, 6410 N. Broad St. Interment will be in Israel. Contributions in Ori's name may be made to Unami Hills Preservation Assoc.,...