SYLVIA (nee Sanders), April 23, 2006, beloved wife of the late Leon, loving mother of Bob and Linda Engle and Judy and Bennett Wilgard, dear sister of Ethel Dutkin and loving sister-in-law of Ruth Engle, devoted grand-mother of David and Kelly Engle, Jeff Engle and his fiancee Johanna Hoffman, Adam and Lisa Wilgard and Michael and Mandi Wilgard; adoring great grandmother of Sarah Wilgard and Jake Engle. Relatives and friends are invited to Graveside Services Wed. 11:15 A.M. precisely Shalom Memorial Park (Sec Gabriel). Shiva will be observed at the home of Linda and Bob Engle. Contributions in her memory may be made to The Jewish Geriatric Home, 3025 Chapel Ave.West, Cherry Hill, NJ 08002.