SETH Beloved son of Pamela Herschfeld, and Jerry and Sherri Herschfeld. Loving brother of Arielle Herschfeld, Brittney Agger and Ryan Agger. Devoted grandson of Estelle Herschfeld and Norman Grossman. Nephew of Matthew Blank, Lee Blank, Margaret Holly, Larry and Carol Herschfeld, Joe and Bonnie Grossman. Great nephew of Shirley Glussman and Yetta Hecht. Relatives and friends are invited to funeral Services Sunday 2 P.M. precisely GOLDSTEINS' ROSENBERG'S RAPHAEL SACKS SUBURBAN NORTH, 310 Second St. Pike, Southampton. Int. private. Shiva will be observed at the Jerry and Sherri Herschfeld residence. Contributions in his memory may be made to a charity of the donor's choice.