IDA (nee Blum), on January 7, 2016 peacefully passed away at home in her sleep. Ida was the beloved wife of the late David Newstat, devoted mother of Toby (Morris) Pashko and Ilene (Arnold) Wellens, loving grand-mother of Sandy Pashko, Bruce (Randi) Pashko, Tracy Wellens, Eric (Tara) Wellens, and caring great grandmother of Jared Pashko, Zachary Pashko, Andre Wellens, Dalia Wellens, Madison Wellens, and Eli Wellens. She was preceded in death by her 4 brothers and 3 sisters. Relatives and friends are invited to Funeral Services on Sunday, 1 P.M. precisely,
GOLDSTEINS' ROSENBERG'S RAPHAEL-SACKS SUBURBAN NORTH, 310 Second St. Pike, Southampton. Int. Montefiore Cemetery. Shiva will be observed at the home of Bruce and Randi Pashko through Tuesday evening. Contributions may be made to the American Heart Association or Fox Chase Cancer Center.