MAILMAN HILDA (nee Spitz), beloved wife of the late Herman; devoted mother of Linda Schwin (Paul), Albert Mailman (Beth), Madelyn Segev (David) and Mindy Mailman; loving grandmother of Eric (Janel), Kevin, Leigh, Rebecca, Rachel, Karen (Moshe), Shirlee, Maya and Adam; great grandmother of Guy, Mayan and Katelyn; dear sister of Miriam Dickman (Dick), Florine Aaronson (Arthur) and the late Bernard Spitz (Jan). Services will be held Friday Feb. 21st, 11 A.M. at Ohev Shalom Congregation, 2 Chester Road, Wallingford PA. Interment Brookhaven Cemetery. Contributions suggested to Alzheimer's Assoc. GOLDSTEINS' ROSENBERG'S RAPHAEL SACKS