Evelyn Bayer (nee Mistezky) beloved wife of the late Jack. Loving mother of Dennis (Aggie) Bayer, Todd (Carolyn) Bayer and Mitchell (Hilary) Bayer. Devoted grandmother of Jonah (Victoria Papa), Vanassa, Brooke and Alex Bayer. Dear sister of the late Luba Harrington, Norman Morrison and Mash Sklansky. Private family services will be held at the Mt. Olive Cemetery. Family requests no visitation. Friends who wish may contribute to The Crohns and Colitis Foundation c/o Philadelphia Delaware Valley Chapter, The Jewish Federation of Greater Philadelphia, the Jewish Federation of Cleveland, or Jewish Family and Children Services oh Phila., PA www.jfcsphilly.org. Friends who wish may view the service the following day at YouTube (enter Evelyn Bayer Funeral Service)