ETHEL (nee Sherman), June 27, 2007. Wife of the late Nathan, beloved mother of Stephen (Flossie) Porter and the late Phyllis Leibowitz; beloved grandmother of Lisa (Billy) Kramer, Marc Leibowitz and Bruce (Corey) Leibowitz; beloved great grandmother of Spencer Leibowitz, Sarah, Sammy and Jake Kramer. Relatives and friends are invited to Graveside Services, Sunday 11 A.M. precisely, at Shalom Mem'l Park (Sec-Israel BII), Pine and Byberry Roads. Shiva will be observed at her late residence through Tuesday evening. Contributions in her memory may be made to Leukemia Society of America, Eastern Penna. Chapter, The Philadelphian, Suite 2D1, 2401 Pennsylvania Ave., Phila., 19130.