ELIZABETH (nee Sitner), June 22, 2003, beloved wife of Alfred M., beloved mother of Jordan Sharp, dear grand-mother of Michele and Leonard Bergman and Bree Sharp, dear great grandmother of Brandon Shefsky and Michael Shefsky, dear companion of Fatima Dickow and Jennifer Dunkley; also survived by Franklin (Phyllis) Sharp, Michael, Craig and Sharon, Gail Sharp, Cory and Troy Tyler. Relatives and friends are invited to Funeral Services Wednesday 11:30 A.M. precisely, GOLDSTEINS' ROSENBERG'S RAPHAEL SACKS, 6410 N. Broad St. Int. Shalom Memorial Park. Family will return to her late residence. Contributions in her memory may be made to Brith Sholom Foundation, 3939 Conshohocken Ave., Phila., PA19131 or your favorite charity.