BELLA (nee Konefsky), Nov. 4, 2006, beloved wife of the late Bernard "Buck," beloved mother of Steve (Margie) Schultz, Joy Schultz and Gayl (Mark) Schofield; also survived by 16 loving grandchildren and 8 loving great-grandchildren. Relatives and friends are invited to Funeral Services Mon. 12:30 P.M. precisely GOLDSTEINS' ROSENBERG'S RAPHAEL SACKS, 6410 N. Broad St. Int. King David Memorial Park. Shiva will be observed at the residence of Steve and Margie Schultz. Contributions in her memory may be made to the Autism Society of America, 7910 Woodmont Ave., Suite 300, Bethesda, MD 20814 or Hessed Fund at Tiferet Bet Israel, 1920 Skippack Pike, Blue Bell, PA 19422.