BARRY I., May 18, 2011. Husband of Janis (nee Pollack); father of Michael and Samantha Lichtenstein, Jodi and Roy Smith, grandfather of Tristan, Brendan and Cole; brother of Larry and Mindy Pollack, Lynne and Martin Blum. Relatives and friends are invited to Funeral Services Friday, 1 P.M. precisely,
GOLDSTEINS' ROSENBERG'S RAPHAEL SACKS SUBURBAN NORTH, 310 Second St. Pike, Southampton. Int. Roosevelt Memorial Park. Shiva will be observed Saturday and Sunday 7 to 9 P.M. at the residence of Jodi and Roy Smith. Contri-butions in his memory may be made to the Hospice Care at the Abramson Center for Jewish Life, 1425 Horsham Road, Horsham PA 19454